
I say ‘I am an atheist’
because having no faith is easier
than trying to understand
that there may be a force out there
orchestrating this madness

having no faith is easier
than trying to fathom
that if there is a god out there
he made the world this way
full of pain
and hunger
and loneliness

there are babies dying
mothers crying
fathers taking advantage of their children
who grow up to be the same way

there are mothers preaching
that boys don’t cry
and girls should be seen and not heard
and their children become the next generation
of destroyers
and enablers

there are governments stealing
from their people
who are starving and thirsty
and dying on the streets

I say ‘I am an atheist’
because having no faith is easier
than trying to understand
that there might be a mighty hand
pulling at these broken strings

having no faith is easier
than trying to fathom
that if there is a god out there
he made us this way

so broken and battered
that we can’t even open our eyes
to recognise
that we’re really all the same
our flesh may bruise in different shades
but the blood that’s spilled is one-
and it has turned thick as tar
for our hearts have stopped beating

I say ‘I am an atheist’
because it is easier